
definition of interdisciplinary

The word interdisciplinary is used to account for that a science, a discipline or any type of intellectual activity such as a study, a report or an investigation, among others, has the collaboration of several disciplines, or failing that, it is the result of several of them, that is, it involves more than one discipline or subject in its elaboration, a fact for which it will have several approaches and an expanded vision of the subject or problem in question. "An interdisciplinary team was the one that participated in the last special investigation published by the weekly. My mother was studied by an interdisciplinary team from the central hospital ”.

Study or research in which professionals from different areas participate and that allows to apply different approaches to a complex issue with the mission of solving it effectively

It should be noted that the concept of interdisciplinary is closely linked to another: interdisciplinarity, which supposes cross the traditional limits of certain disciplines, currents of thought, among others, as a consequence of the emergence of new needs or demands for knowledge.

Meanwhile, it is mainly the scientific and pedagogical fields in which we repeatedly hear about interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary and also in which this collaboration between disciplines and sciences is most used with the aim of addressing issues or problems in a broader way, that is In other words, there are complex issues that demand that various sciences intervene to contribute their particular and seasoned gaze and also to offer a broader panorama on a question that requires it.

The sophistication of the world and of human beings requires interdisciplinarity to find effective solutions to sensitive issues

Due to this crossing of limits, interdisciplinary work will involve several actors such as: research groups, teachers, students, with the aim of achieving the aforementioned link and integration between different professions, schools of thought, methods, theories, instruments. , among others.

Of course, this integration will nurture and enrich the debate and allow the topics in an excellent way and also reach more precise conclusions.

The impressive advance experienced by knowledge caused many traditional sciences to nurture others to explain phenomena and thus many juxtaposed sciences emerged: biogeochemistry, sociolinguistics, bioethics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, physicochemistry, medical mathematics, among other.

There are several contemporary issues or problems (state terrorism, the AIDS epidemic, global warming) that, due to their novelty, require an interdisciplinary treatment in order to know in depth causes, consequences and most importantly: solutions.

The world has become more complex, by the way, new technologies, globalization, are some of the reasons for this situation, and this, as we said, requires that in some issues the specialized and professional look comes from different disciplines and not from one alone, which would offer a biased or partial look indeed, when the subject, due to its complexity, demands a greater breadth of views.

Let us think of a very current social problem such as femicide, as the murder of women is called precisely because of their condition as women.

These attacks that occur within the framework of a couple and begin with repeated violence by the man towards his wife, almost always culminate in the death of the woman by her husband or partner, and in some more serious cases even include in the attack other family members, such as children in common.

Currently many developed and less developed countries are suffering from this scourge that unfortunately is growing and then, since it has several edges, it is essential that various professionals and areas intervene to be able to address the problem and arrive at possible resolutions, which would be that these attacks mermen.

Justice from its role of administering punishments that punish crimes, the state as a party that must provide security and containment to citizens, the security forces that must apprehend the attackers, the psychology that must assist victims and perpetrators, are some actors social organizations that must work together to face this problem.

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