
definition of literacy

The term literacy refers to the process by which a person can learn to read and write, two activities or functions that will allow them to communicate with other human beings at a deeper and more abstract level.

Procedure through which a person learns to read and write, two actions closely associated with personal development and the possibility of communication with others

For example, it is the teaching of reading and writing, taught by a teacher or professor to an individual who lacks such knowledge; It is usually aimed at children of school age and also at people who are no longer there.

Literacy is extremely important so that a person can develop their abilities to the maximum and although this does not mean that an illiterate person cannot carry out their life, it is true that it will cost much more to get a good job, but mainly to be able to communicate with others since they will not know how to read or express their ideas in writing.

A process that in the past was only available to the wealthy classes

The idea of ​​literacy as a massive phenomenon of the whole society is a very recent notion if we take into account that until not long ago (approximately the 19th century) the only people who could read and write used to always be the highest sectors of society, with economic and political power to govern and do what they want over populations mired in illiteracy.

It was a widespread use and custom among the upper classes of society in those less developed countries, a few centuries ago, that they send their children to study abroad, to Europe especially, to guarantee an elite education, something that was little likely to be achieved as a result of educational deficiencies in underdeveloped countries.

Bad politics have been used to dominate the uneducated classes

The power of knowledge gave them authority and superiority and they always asserted it, and those who did not have these capacities had only to submit to the decisions of those who knew everything.

Obviously, this situation historically generated large social gaps between literate and non-literate, the latter were left with only resignation and the performance of the hardest tasks and trades, normally serving the former.

Many governments have sustained themselves throughout history thanks to this context.

There is no worse delay and inequality than that caused by the lack of education, because without the corresponding instruction it will be impossible to express oneself in agreement, to state what is desired, to oppose injustices, among others.

Politicians, or rather mean political leaders, who do not seek the welfare of their people but move only for the satisfaction of their own interests, are comfortable with the ignorance of the people and promote it for example.

They do not care that illiterate people get educated because in this way they will not be manageable and they will not be able to bend them.

However, starting in the 19th century, different governments and increasingly complex societies began to see literacy as an extremely important need that, although at times it was also used to transmit specific political or cultural ideas, ultimately it will allow society to grow and develop as such.

Literacy should begin from the most tender stage of children, around 5 to 6 years when it is considered that they have already gone through stages of learning symbols, shapes, signs, etc. and they can now devote themselves to understanding words and even some more abstract terms.

Instruction may begin at home, but it is clearly the school that is responsible for teaching children to read and write in the early grades of primary school.

This will become more and more complex as the person develops more skills and can understand more complex texts.

Today, the UN, through its educational branch UNESCO, carries out permanent surveys, reports and works that seek to control and improve the level of world literacy, pointing out those countries that show complications in obtaining an acceptable result and helping to can reach it.

Alphabetize a list

On the other hand, the word is also used to refer to the action of placing a list in alphabetical order, for example.

For example, the files that a doctor makes on his patients to follow their health status are usually arranged in alphabetical order to ensure the simplicity of the search when necessary.

The doctor's secretary is normally in charge of organizing them according to the alphabet pattern.

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