
definition of stranger

One of the most frequent uses associated with the term is that which allows us to account for that peculiar, curious, singular and that escapes the common. “This chair is really strange, it does not have a backrest. In this sense of the term we find that strange would be the absolute opposite of current and ordinary. "

That singular, that comes out of the ordinary

This sense of the word is usually associated with those people who are extravagant and bizarre, either because of their physical appearance or because of the way they dress, speak, act, among others.

The widespread behavior in front of these people is to look at them with attention and amazement because they attract attention by not fitting with the average.

The different

On the other hand, to that which turns out to be different, both to nature and to the condition of an entity of which it is an integral part, it is usually described as strange. "Juan is a stranger to the family and therefore I will not accept his comments regarding how we should proceed as a family group in this situation.”

Unexpected movement of something

Also, the word strange is used with recurrence to refer to that sudden and untimely movement that occurred. “The table made a stranger and collapsed in the middle of the celebration, we had to borrow another from the neighbor to continue.”

Something or someone who is from another culture

Secondly, when something or someone belongs to a culture, family, nationality or profession different from ours, for example, it will be said that they are strangers. “After spending a month in Japan I was able to verify the totally strange customs to ours that they maintain.”

Miss who is far away

Meanwhile, with regard to emotions and feelings, when someone wants to tell another how much she misses him and needs him usually expresses it through the following expression that contains the term in question: "miss you.”

People miss those people we love, who are part of our daily lives and who fill us with happiness with their presence and with the love they give us and give them.

Missing someone is undoubtedly one of the most common human feelings of this species.

Do not talk to strangers on the street and on technology networks

And another extremely common use is given at the behest of colloquial language in which to express "don't talk or interact with strangers ”It turns out to be a very common recommendation that parents give their young children so that they strictly comply with it when they themselves are not present or under their care; then, if an unknown individual they never saw wants to talk to them or lead them somewhere, they should avoid the conversation and of course not go anywhere with that person they do not know.

In these times, as a consequence of the fantastic irruption of new technologies in our lives, many issues have changed, some for the better and others for the worse.

Communication is where many issues have especially changed, the main one being the possibility of being able to communicate with other people not being in the same physical place.

Virtual communication, for example, is what technology offers us today, and for example it makes it easier for us to communicate with individuals who are geographically far away, but at the same time there is a negative factor, which is that this type of communication prevents us sometimes find out who really is behind a nickname or social network.

Thus, many times, children and adolescents are exposed to the mischief and wickedness of strange, perverse people, who take advantage of the possibility of not being seen to make contact with them, get closer and provoke some non-holy encounter in which they end up taking advantage of those boys, for example in the sexual plane.

Pedophiles especially use social media to attract children and teenagers, pose as peers, and then date them somewhere and abuse them.

It is important that parents and the close environment of children and young people are attentive to these situations and know how to explain to them that they should avoid having conversations with strangers on the street and also through any technological device.

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