
definition of against humanity

Against humanity is a characterization that has been given to some types of crimes considered for their certainly serious implications since their primary purpose is to eliminate people, torture them, make them suffer through some bloody method, and which is carried out systematically to thus affect a large mass of individuals belonging to a population.

Types of extremely serious crimes against physical integrity, which are directed from power to a sector of the population that is considered despicable for some situation

In this vile and murderous action there is a tendency on the part of the political authorities, which are the ones that normally carry out these crimes, to believe that there is a part of the population, to which the attack and the massacre is directed, which is despicable and that they have rights to deliver those blows to him.

This type of rhyme directly attacks human integrity and nature.

Legal recognition

According to Rome Statute, which is the instrument I constitute of the International Criminal Court or Tribunal, adopted in the city of Rome on July 17, 1998, crimes against humanity are those behaviors, actions, typified as: murder, deportation, extermination, torture, rape, forced prostitution, forced sterilization, persecution for political, religious, racial, ethnic, ideological reasons, kidnapping, forced disappearance or any other another act devoid of humanity and that causes severe damage both psychically and physically and that is also committed as part of a comprehensive or systematic attack against a community, generally by the state that has all the resources of authority and forces in its favor.

Nazism and dictatorships, their executors

The persecution and extermination that Nazism carried out against the Jewish population is an example of this type of crime.

Also, this type of despicable and reprehensible crimes have been committed throughout history, even until very recent and current times by dictatorial, totalitarian governments, against those citizens or inhabitants who did not coincide with their ideology or who professed themselves contrary to their government.

One of the most emblematic cases is that of the last Argentine dictatorship (1976-1983), during which the military that took power exercised state terrorism that ended with persecution, illegal detention, repression, torture and the disappearance of people. who professed against his government policy.

People were illegally detained at their homes, that is, without court orders, and were taken to clandestine detention centers where they were subjected to harassment and torture.

When the dictatorship ended and democracy returned to Argentina, such acts were decreed as crimes against humanity and their culprits were tried and sentenced to prison.

Meanwhile, due to its aberrational nature, the crime against humanity turns out to be an injury and a grievance against humanity as a whole and does not prescribe, that is, it does not occur as with other minor crimes that after a while can no longer be prosecuted, but instead the crime against humanity is imprescriptible for all laws.


Are judicially imprescriptibleIn other words, they can be prosecuted and punished at any time the opportunity to do so is given.

Notably leso, refers aggrieved, offended or hurt

This type of crime can be perpetrated by public officials or by members of a political organization against a civilian population and not only involves military attacks in times of war but can also occur in times of peace and tranquility.

Another salient characteristic of these crimes is that the attack is generalized, therefore, isolated events, no matter how aberrant they may be, cannot be classified within this type of crime.

The International Criminal Court or International Criminal Court is the permanent international court of justice that has the mission to try individuals accused of committing crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war.

It has an international legal personality and does not depend on the United Nations Organization (UN), although, it is linked to this in those situations indicated by the Rome Statute. Has its headquarters in The Hague, in the Countries

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