
definition of diosidencias

Certain events are surprising and it is not easy to find a logical explanation to understand them. To refer to them, we say that they are coincidences or coincidences. There are coincidences that have a greater dimension and go beyond what is reasonable. When this happens, it is a matter of decency.

Concidences and deeds

If a person is traveling in a remote place very far from his home and there he meets a neighbor, it may be a curious coincidence. In this case, something unusual has happened, but it may have a logical explanation (for example, the two individuals went to the same local travel agency and were offered the same trip for both of them).

An individual goes to a forest with the intention of ending his life due to a love problem. In the forest he inexplicably meets the person he loves and from that moment he abandons his initial plan and begins a fully satisfactory romantic relationship.

This fact is not presented as a simple coincidence and when analyzing it, one can think that the protagonists ended up in the forest together because someone or something pulled the strings of events so that the story had a happy ending.

The Diosidencias could be considered as small miracles

The difference between coincidences and deities is evident: the former have a possible explanation and in the latter there is a mysterious and apparently supernatural component, as if events had been synchronized through a plan. For this reason, some people maintain that god-decencies are related to divine providence, destiny, or some other force of a higher order.

We are all capable of remembering some coincidence in our lives. However, it is quite possible that we have not experienced any godship. Generally, those who believe in a higher power that runs the course of our lives, considers that everything that happens is due to a cause.

Consequently, one should not speak of coincidences but of causality

Obviously, there are people who reject this type of explanation and consider that the so-called Diosidencias are nothing more than striking coincidences that have nothing to do with destiny, with the hand of God or with any other cause.

The deities present a clear resemblance to miracles. Both phenomena lack an explanation that allows them to be rationally understood. However, in both cases the human mind resorts to a cause that can explain the reality of the events. Some call this cause God and others call it destiny.

Photo: Fotolia - nuvolanevicata

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