
definition of pastry

The term pastry is the one used to refer to the type of gastronomy that is based on the preparation, cooking and decoration of dishes and sweet pieces such as cakes, pastries, cookies, puddings and many more. The confectionery can also be known as pastry and within it we find endless specific areas according to the type of preparation that is made, such as the candy store.

It goes without saying that baking as a gastronomic activity has existed among men since time immemorial: many of the current desserts that we know today are modern evolutions of ancient recipes that are very common in different regions of the planet. However, the history of confectionery or pastry would never have been the same if it weren't for the French, who throughout time perfected and modernized all kinds of preparations for more refined and increasingly demanding palates. Without a doubt, the French are considered the kings of pastry due to the delicacy and perfection of their elaborations.

The confectionery is based on the preparation of dishes or desserts that are sweet. In this sense, we can find dishes or desserts based on different types of dough (such as puddings, cakes, pancakes or cake dough), as well as cream-based desserts (for example, custard), or based on fruits (ice cream and other cold preparations). In baking, the use of materials such as flour (usually wheat), sugar, eggs and fat as it is maintained is essential. Then, specific flavorings and flavorings must be added for each situation such as essences, fruits, spices, colorants and many more.

In addition to the preparation itself, the confectionery is very interested in the decoration and presentation of the dishes. This does not happen in such a notorious way with other gastronomic areas, which is why the confectionery always dazzles with its colors, textures and complex shapes. In other words, baking is perhaps the most visually interesting gastronomic area.

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