
definition of belligerent

There are different types of attitudes that at the human level, show a certain predisposition in the person. A belligerent person is one who is in an attitude towards war. Belligerent is an adjective that shows the aggressiveness or defense situation of a state or person that is in a state of war. Therefore, it is a relationship in which a fighting position is established between different elements.

Belligerent is a concept which comes from Latin, specifically, it was formed from the noun bellum, belli which means war.

Belligerent as a confrontational personality

From another point of view, a person belligerent It can also be a combative person who has a special tendency towards controversy. There are some concepts that are synonymous with belligerent and that can be used in the same semantic context. Here is a list of synonymous concepts: opponent, rival, opponent in battle, conflictive. The context of war that refers to the struggle is linked to suffering, pain and loss. Therefore, peace is an essential pillar in a life happy. Peace is such an essential concept that we can not only speak of social peace but also of inner peace, that is, of mental tranquility.

A manifestation of passion for something you believe in

Beyond the context of war, the term belligerent It can also be used by association of ideas in other more everyday contexts, for example, to refer to the way of being of a person. A person can be belligerent when he defends his ideas very vehemently since he is a passionate person who truly believes what he defends. In this way, he fights for the truth of his ideas and does not place himself in the role of spectator but rather acts as the protagonist of his own life. They are people who transmit a lot of strength.

In its most negative perception

However, the attitude of being belligerent That it can be very positive in terms of the passion that exists behind that position also has more negative aspects as shown in the case of those people who are conflictive in the facts. A belligerent person can also be haughty and arrogant in his treatment of others, to the point that he can put himself in a superior role. Also, make statements as if they were absolute truths.

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