
definition of purpose

The concept of purpose is a concept of an abstract type that symbolizes the cause or reason, the objective for which a certain action is carried out, a certain behavior is carried out, etc. The purpose is the justification that is established before starting something and which one wants to reach when one is in the process of doing something. For example, the purpose of studying is to be able to have a degree that later allows us to position ourselves correctly in professional life.

Whenever one begins something, it is important to be clear about the purpose of the action, effort or work. This greatly helps to obtain better results since one is directed towards a clear and determined end. If this were not the case, one would probably waste time, scatter, or even never reach one's goal. Many times the purpose of why one does things is not clear, it is not fully conscious. However, it is present and it is ultimately what directs us towards that.

The notion of purpose comes precisely from the word end, which means to finish or conclude something, to reach the last part of a process or a path. So the purpose is neither more nor less why we want to do that to get to that point. From this comes the famous expression "the end justifies the means" which has a Machiavellian tinge and which means that one can sometimes be so blinded with the achievement of that final goal that one can take actions that are not entirely ethical or socially approvable. .

The idea of ​​purpose is always related to the notion of process, since throughout a development or work process the purpose and why that action is carried out is always clear. Thus, the purpose is always present in issues that have to do, for example, with efforts or commitments: dieting to lose weight, study to improve, read to be more cultured, etc.

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