
definition of gastroenterology

The gastroenterology It is the branch of medicine that is responsible for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders that affect the gastrointestinal tract. Physicians who practice gastroenterology are known as gastroenterologists.

Gastroenterology also has a subspecialty that is hepatology, this is specifically dedicated to disorders that affect the liver.

Main disorders addressed by gastroenterology

Esophageal problems The esophagus is mainly affected by conditions such as the gastroesophageal reflux, which produces a burning sensation that is located behind the sternum and can rise to the throat, sometimes this reflux can affect the larynx and airway. Other disorders of this structure are the obstructive processes due to narrowing of the esophagus called achalasia or by the presence of malignant lesions such as esophageal cancer, which is associated with the presence of persistent reflux for a long period of time.

Gastric diseases. The main discomforts that affect the stomach are gastritis, gastric ulcers and stomach cancer, the latter directly related to chronic infection of the stomach by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Liver and bile duct disorders. The most common disorder of these structures are gallstones, followed by liver infections called hepatitis, the cholecystitis corresponding to gallbladder infections, degenerative processes such as hepatic cirrhosis that it is not only a consequence of alcoholism since it also constitutes the final phase of infections such as hepatitis B; cirrhosis is also associated with the development of malignant diseases such as liver cancer.

Bowel disorders. The intestine as a whole is the seat of infectious problems, which are known as enteriris, can also be affected by food absorption disorders that can lead to weight loss and malnutrition, as well as allergic-type reactions after contact with some foods, such is the case of Celiac Disease and the lactose intolerance.

The final part of the intestine or colon is the seat of degenerative disorders such as intestinal diverticula, capable of suffering complications such as infection and perforation, as well as mobility problems that lead to the appearance of constipation.

Problems of the rectum and anus. The final segment of the intestine is usually affected by changes in bowel habits, mainly constipation, which is related to the appearance of lesions such as hemorrhoids and the anal fissures.

Bleeding Another disorder that initially consults with specialties such as gastroenterology is the presence of blood in the stool or vomit, which is a manifestation of the disorder called digestive bleeding, which is due to the injury of blood vessels in some part of the gastrointestinal tract, is commonly due to injuries such as gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, ruptured esophageal varices in patients with liver cirrhosis, as well as perforation of the colon due to diverticula or lesions such as Cancer.

Gastroenterology relies on the use of endoscopy

The evaluation of the digestive system requires the visualization of the structures that make it up, so the clinical examination is complemented with the performance of complementary studies that include abdominal ultrasound, upper digestive endoscopy or gastroscopy, as well as lower digestive endoscopy commonly called colonoscopy.

Photos: iStock - AJ_Watt / yodiyim

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