
definition of epistemology

Epistemology is the science that studies human knowledge and the way in which the individual acts to develop their structures of thought. The work of epistemology is extensive and is also related to the justifications that human beings can find for their beliefs and types of knowledge, studying not only their methodologies but also their causes, objectives and intrinsic elements. Epistemology is considered one of the branches of philosophy.

The term 'epistemology'comes from the Greek, meaning' episteme 'knowledge and' logos' science or study. In this way, its etymological name establishes that epistemological science will deal with the analysis of knowledge, especially with regard to scientific knowledge, that which has a defined object of study, with measurable methods and resources, with structures of analysis and hypothesis generation.

Human interest in knowledge has existed since it could have use of reason and generate with it technological, cultural, political, social, economic and all kinds of advances. This is where the interest in understanding how the human being comes to know what surrounds him has been built, whether this is a product of nature or a product of his own creation. Questions such as the nature of knowledge, its acquisition, its need and its permanent development in the history of Humanity are essential for epistemology. For the ancient Greeks, the search for knowledge meant the search for happiness and the total satisfaction of the human being.

In this sense, epistemology has worked since its inception with elements such as knowledge but also with the notions of truth, belief and justification since all of them are strictly linked to the generation of knowledge.

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