
definition of circumstance

A circumstance is a factor external that affects a specific person. A circumstance is a specific situation that has specific qualities and characteristics. The circumstances can be permanent or specific. For example, that a person is sick because he has a cold is something circumstantial and punctual. Instead, for a person to be in charge of a responsibility important, it is a permanent matter until a new major change in life arises.

Learn to adapt

For example, if a person suffers diabetes then, that circumstance is permanent. It should be noted that in most cases, since life is change and existence has a temporary duration, the truth is that most vital circumstances are changing. Therefore, we must continually adapt to new situations that arise to the rhythm of our own living.

To know a person and understand him in his attitude It is also important to know the circumstances that affect you directly and that are conditioning factors that exert a clear influence. It is important that you explain your specific circumstances so that another person can understand you at a specific moment. For example, if you are very late for an appointment and you want the other person to understand and excuse you, you have to give them a reason that justify what happened to you. That is, you have to disclose your circumstances, otherwise the other cannot guess by deduction.

Time, Place, and Mode Scenarios

A circumstance can also be classified into different categories. For example, there are time circumstances that refer to the temporal context in which something has happened or in which a person was born. In the same way, a circumstance of place shows the geographical context in which an event or person is situated. The circumstances can also be so, in that case, they provide some concrete detail. For example, whether it rains or snows is a circumstance so.

Positive and negative rating

Circumstances can also be classified into favorableIn this case, they are pleasant and reflect the luck factor positively. However, there are also negative and unpleasant circumstances, for example, a traffic accident with a tragic outcome.

exist circumstances that occur despite the fact that the human being cannot understand them one hundred percent. For example, anyone feels helpless in the face of tragic circumstances, such as a natural catastrophe. As the philosopher said Ortega y Gasset the human being cannot be understood without his circumstances.

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