
definition of iconoclast

The concept of iconoclastic is used in our language to name the position of a person who rejects the worship of images considered sacred, for example images of religious figures such as Jesus, the Virgin Mary, some saintor, among others.

The use of this term is not accidental and has a specific reason, since it derives from a Greek word: eikonoklastes, which precisely refers to a breaker of images and that is in some way what an iconoclast also proposes, to break with any type of worship of religious images.

The worship of images of personalities linked to religion or of gods and creatures associated with some kind of mythology has been a constant in man since practically his presence on earth. Meanwhile, at some times and as a consequence of the prevailing political and religious conjunctures, such practices suffered attacks and detractors, as for example back in the 8th century in times of Byzantine Empire, the then-emperor Leo III it flatly prohibited the cult of religious images linked to Christianity, such is the case of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, the main representatives of this religious belief.

Far from being a prohibitive measure and already, the administration of Leo III was with all its stamp against the worship of images until the last consequences and began a hunt for those who did not comply with the prohibition.

But this not only happened at this time and with the images linked to the Christian religion, but it also happened at other moments in history and with other contexts, in which a current authority, due to a situation, decided to prohibit the worship of an image. , of a god, among others.

It should be noted that the movement that promotes the aforementioned state of affairs is called iconoclasm.

On the other hand, and in some way as a consequence of this original reference to the term, it is also applied to designate that person who is contrary, opposes, the recognized and current authorities as such, norms, or models that are promoted as such in some fields.

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