
definition of consent

When we authorize or give permission to someone to do or perform something, an activity, to attend a certain place, among other options, what we will be doing is giving them our consent, which is nothing other than acceptance, approval according to it. That is, the concept of consent in our language is widely used to express the consent we have for something or someone.

Thus, for example, if a father authorizes the marriage of his minor daughter, we will be facing the consent that father gives to his daughter so that she can effectively marry.

In another vein, a boss can give his employee consent to be absent from the office as a result of his mother's operation.

As can be seen from the examples, the term consent has a common and current use in our language and can be used in any context in which you want to express your assent or consent to something.

Now, it is important that we emphasize that issuing consent does not always imply being in complete agreement with what is approved. Many times you can have an opinion contrary to what is accepted, but motivated by something in particular, you decide to accept it.

Thus, parents may not approve of their daughter marrying an older man at 17 but still give her consent to do so because they do not want to argue, fight or strain the relationship with their daughter. If you do not give your consent, your daughter would surely get angry and this would trigger a family fight.

So, many times, consent is given to avoid some unpleasant consequence even if you do not agree with the situation.

In recent years, as a result of the dissemination that cases of violations have had and still have through the mass media, the concept at hand has been incorporated into the discussion, since in many cases, the victim of a rape must prove that you have not given your consent to have that sexual relationship.

Obviously when force and violence intervene, one can never speak of consent.

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