
definition of punishment

A punishment it will be that penalty or sanction that is imposed on someone as a result of having violated any norm, precept, order, among others, established through a law, or failing that by an authority, and whose objective is to warn the person about their wrongdoing, and also attribute an exemplary sanction that inhibits the action of breaking a rule or law again.

Sanction that is applied to a person who breaks a rule and who has an exemplary objective of discouraging the commission of new crimes

It should be noted that the punishment imposed on someone for violating the norm or order will depend on the seriousness of the action they have starred in, and also on the context in which it occurred.

Because obviously it will not be the same to attempt against a family disposition, than to cause a fault that affects society as a whole.

In addition, in the latter case, what is established by current regulations for the offense in question is usually applied.

Serious offenses are punishable by imprisonment in jail

Meanwhile, in the most severe situations of serious offenses, such as homicide, rape, or abuse of another person, the punishment must be carried out in isolation from society, such is the case of prison, where the perpetrator is confined once that at judicial request his guilt was determined.

According to what the criminal code establishes on the crime committed, the judging court will establish the years or the time of confinement in jail that that person must spend to comply with the punishment imposed for the crime perpetrated.

The ideal goal of re-educating the offender

The mission of this type of punishment that involves confinement in prisons is, on the one hand, to confine and isolate a person who is considered dangerous to society so that he can re-educate himself in prison, understand that the offense he committed was wrong, and a Once this is understood and the time of punishment has been fulfilled, to be able to return to the community with a consistent and civilized behavior.

Now, we must say that this vision is somewhat utopian, by the way, because as we know, from the evidence that exists in this regard, in many parts of the world, prisons only exacerbate the criminal profile of criminals, basically, because there is no policy or a serious plan to reinsert them properly.

In many prisons, inmates are overcrowded, inserted in a framework where mutual violence prevails, and there is complicity with prison staff, who in exchange for money, allow them to carry out illegal behaviors inside the prison, such as consuming and selling drugs, among the most common.

Although today they are practically eradicated from civilized societies, in the past, punishment used to consist of physical attacks that caused severe pain and damage to the subject of the punishment.

Because the mission in many of the situations was to discourage the commission of new crimes, then, it was believed that inflicting pain would reduce new chances of fouls.

So, the types of punishments are really varied and, as we pointed out, they vary according to the context in which they occur.

Thus, for example, in the case of children who do not comply with the tasks or with the orders of their parents, the most recurrent punishments usually consist of: remaining alone in a corner or space for a while; deny you authorization to carry out an activity that you enjoy; limit the use of some entertainment such as: the computer, the telephone, the television; not allowing him any way out; require him to carry out additional tasks around the house, among others.

And among the punishments for the most recurrent crimes are: imprisonment, financial fine, confiscation of property, death penalty, among others.

Person or thing that generates annoyances

For its part, in colloquial language, we use the word punishment to give an account of that individual or thing that causes us constant annoyances and annoyances.

Applied to a person, it can be someone who has an unpleasant profile and with whom we have a hard time spending time. "Living with my sister is a punishment for her bad character."

And if we apply it to things, it is usually about elements that cause us discomfort, for example, a device that we use to work, which does not work correctly, and then makes us interrupt work from time to time.

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