
definition of vituperation

A vituperation is an offense, a reproach, an insult or an injury directed towards a person. Usually these are very critical words towards someone with which they are intended to offend or discredit them.

It is common for this term to be used in the plural, since frequently there are several accusations and offenses that are carried out. This word comes from Latin, specifically from the term vituperium.

The noun vituperate corresponds to the verb vituperate, which means to firmly censure someone. It should be noted, on the other hand, that the act of vituperation may have justified causes or it may be disqualifications without foundation.

Contexts in which it is used

As a general rule, someone is reviled when he receives insults from another as a result of his bad actions.

You can vituperate someone in private or in public and, not surprisingly, if you do it publicly in front of many people, offensive words are more powerful.

At the same time, the vituperation can be verbal or in writing (in the latter case, insults and disqualifications could be reflected in a letter to the editor of a media outlet or on a social network).

If a group of people berates and insults someone for their improper behavior, they are vilifying them

In the different contexts in which this word is used, it is some kind of offense with which it is intended to damage someone's honor.

The act of insulting or vituperating is part of the human condition. We do it for various reasons: to vent, as an expression of anger towards those who do not think like us or because of the psychological need to feel powerful in front of others.

It should be noted that vituperation is a term in disuse, since it is a cultured form of language. There are many synonyms that have an equivalent meaning: scolding, reproach, disqualification, reprimand, slander, censure or defamation.

Take a vituperation in Chile

Like many other towns, Chileans have the custom of having an aperitif before lunch. This action is known as "taking a vituperation". This use of the term is exclusive to Chileans and is believed to have been a popular and humorous invention in which the word snack was changed to vituperation.

Photo: Fotolia - honzahruby

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