
definition of theocentrism

Theocentrism designates a philosophical doctrine that is characterized by placing God at the center of everything that happens in the universe and also as its ruler, that is, according to this current, God is responsible for everything that happens, including the People's actions are directed by God.

Any explanation, of an event, theocentrism, finds it in the will and in the divine decision. Nothing can be explained outside of a divine reason. Science of course will be subordinate to God.

It was installed with force in the Middle Ages and lost value in the Renaissance where the idea of ​​man as the center prevailed.

We must emphasize that this proposal was installed with force and absolute presence in the Middle Ages, although it would develop many centuries before, basically after the arrival of Christ and that by the way it dominated the scene in all aspects, meanwhile, with the arrival of the Renaissance would disappear because precisely with this movement came the opposite idea, that man is the center of the universe, which is formally called anthropocentrism.

From this historical stage the relevance of man grows, he is considered as an operator of reality and a key part of it and displaces the idea of ​​God as the cause of everything. In other words, the divinity does not lose presence but without a doubt it is displaced to the background. Of course all this new conception would gradually bring many changes in the different planes of life, in politics, in society, among others.

But let's go back to its moment of greatest splendor, which as we said was the Middle Ages. The medieval view was absolutely theocentric. God was present in everything and of course there was also the Christian religion to support this dominant doctrine. This state of affairs gave a primary importance to the representatives of the Church who would become fundamental pieces of this time and also an elite of medieval society.

Because of the above, it is during this time that events such as the crusades take place, which were those expeditions and military incursions that the Christians carried out against the Muslims with the aim of recovering territories that were part of the holy land.

Photo: iStock - denizunlusu

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