
definition of physical education

Disciplines and exercises that are deployed with the aim of perfecting and developing the body

Physical Education is the group of disciplines and exercises that must be deployed if the objective is to perfect and develop the body. Because basically that is what the objective of this is aimed at, to achieve perfection and body development.

Recreational, therapeutic, educational, competitive and social activity

Of course, in which there is no convention is to locate Physical Education specifically in some type of field, because it is proven that It can be a recreational, therapeutic, educational, competitive and social activity.

So school, medicine, sports, entertainment make use of physical education.

Develop body, social and motor skills

In school, for example, physical education turns out to be one more subject, like the rest, subject to an evaluation and through which the school will seek that the student, in addition to their intellectual abilities, can develop at the same time, the corporal, social and motor, also essential for their effective development as a person.

The practice of some sport, especially those that are played collectively such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, among the most prominent and popular, are excellent alternatives for the student to learn to work in a group, promote interpersonal relationships, develop feelings of belonging and exercise coexistence, among other benefits that will of course add to their social development.

Those children who were not appropriately encouraged and taught in this area tend to have many problems of social integration in the future, which can even be triggered in more complex settings.

Promote health to prevent diseases and ailments typical of sedentary lifestyle

Meanwhile, in health, physical education also has a clear and concrete objective: to promote health with the aim of preventing diseases and ailments typical of sedentary lifestyle. It is a fact that, for example, physical activity reduces heart problems, blood pressure, digestive problems, spinal problems, position problems, among others.

There are many practices that help combat the aforementioned conditions, among the most practiced and popular, walking and running stand out. Both of these activities are great for burning calories, especially for those who are overweight, and they also go a long way in balancing blood pressure and preventing heart disease.

Even people who suffer from a disease of this type are recommended that in addition to having a balanced and healthy diet, they should practice some type of exercise as indicated.

Relevance in high performance sports

On the other hand, physical activity can be done in what is popularly called high performance with the aim of participating in some type of competition. Athletes and athletes who participate in competitions that require great physical exhaustion, regularly carry out training sessions that help them in this sense, not to feel fatigue or physical exhaustion in the middle of the competition. Also in these cases, physical activity is accompanied by a balanced diet designed to withstand these demands.

Facilitates body expression and relaxation

Likewise, physical education, through special activities such as yoga, music and dance, will facilitate the corporal expression of those who perform them, allowing them a better expression on a social level and on the other hand it will provide relaxation to reduce stress levels such a common affection in these hectic times.

And finally, physical education, in tune with recreation, will develop playful activities that will link the subject with his environment and help him when it comes to social exchange with the other or others.

So, in definitive accounts, physical education understands the human being as a sum of body, mind and soul and will work in order to achieve and contribute to that unity and harmony..

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