
logo definition

A Logo, also known colloquially as logo, It's that one distinctive or emblem formed from letters, abbreviations, among the most common, peculiar and particular alternatives of a specific company, product or brand, which is precisely the one that allows us to recognize, identify the brand or company in question just by looking at them, that is, they appear before our eyes and we immediately think of that brand, product, among others..

Badge or emblem of a product, brand, company, which enjoys a fantastic force and allows us to associate it with them

This graphic has a relevant commercial role since it directly aims for the public to quickly recognize a certain company, product, or service, in addition to this visual recognition an attribution of prestige is additionally accompanied.

Advertising by case makes a very extensive use of logos and then this leads to them being reproduced on various media. For example, when devising them, you have to think about it and that they are easy to distinguish and to generate impact.

Normally the logo includes a symbol that allows its observers to immediately associate it with the brand, company or product in question. The logo of the McDonald's fast food chain are two golden arches that in turn form an M.

The global business role of the logo

It is precisely the Mc Donald’s logo that shows us this that we have been pointing out. It has a typography and a symbol that can be recognized throughout the world and identify fast food stores regardless of the country, language or culture in which they are located, which, as we know, reaches many countries on the planet.

Thus, diametrically opposed cultures perceive the brand and its value in the same way.

In the way in which economies work today, in a hyper-global way, the logo is of special importance since those goods, products or services that are produced on a large scale will try to win the different markets and that is where the recognition of the logo will greatly pave the way to achieve this.

After the Industrial Revolution and when capitalism began to become an octopus, that need for instant commercial identification was generated, and that is why logos turned out to be a fundamental tool in this regard.

Ancestral and current use

Meanwhile, the logo is not a new question of modernity, but quite the opposite, since it is a fairly old practice, for example, in ancient times, artisans marked the works they had created with a logo and also the logo was a tool widely used by the monarchs to cross legal documents, through a personal logo made by hand, or through a stamp, they left their mark on the documents.

Over time, logos also began to be used to promote concepts and ideas due to the simplification that they allow through a symbol, an abbreviation, which sometimes says much more than a thousand words ...

And it will surely continue to be a trend that will spread and continue over time.

Today, any large or small company that wants to prosper in its business, or in the case of entrepreneurship, build an effective and lasting brand, should go to a logo.


Among the requirements that a logo must meet to achieve the aforementioned objective, which is that just by looking at it people know that it is about this or that company, brand or product, are the following: readable (in any of the sizes that it is presented), reproducible (regardless of material type conditions), scalable (to the desired size), distinguishable (It must never give rise to misunderstandings or confusion among those who observe it, that is, it must be clear) and memorable (be shocking so it can't be easily forgotten).

It is worth noting that it is common for the term to be used interchangeably to refer to these other concepts: isotype (icon or visual sign) e isologo (a combination of isotype and logo).

Among the most famous and recognizable logos in the world are: the aforementioned of the two golden arches of McDonald’s, the band's tongue Rolling Stones, the apple of Manzana, the pipe of Nike, and others made up of letters only such as Coca Cola, Sony, Mont Blanc and CK (Calvin Klein). Normally the words become strong and then the image will be unfailingly associated with them.

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