
definition of multiplicity

The word multiplicity is used extensively in our language. Mostly we use it to refer to the variety, the diversity about something and the presence in large quantities of a thing. But it is also correct and common that it is used to qualify what has many elements and several characteristics; It is worth highlighting in this regard that it will be complex issues those that have a multiplicity of characteristics.

As a consequence of the above, this concept is usually associated with issues such as heterogeneity and complexity, as we just mentioned in one of the senses of use.

This aforementioned extension of its use means that this concept can be applied in various contexts and situations when it is desired to indicate that something has the quality of multiple or when there is a multitude of people, elements and facts around something.

In times like today when diversity is very present in all levels and parts of our planet, the concept of multiplicity is used a lot to precisely make references to them.

For example, in terms of language, today, in the world, a variety of languages ​​coexist even in the same geographical space. This multiplicity is given in a good part of the cases by the autochthonous communities that refuse to stop using their native language and then end up speaking this and also the official language, such is the case of Paraguay, where Guaraní coexists with Spanish. . Or in some parts of Italy where people communicate through dialects typical of the north and south of the country in addition to speaking Italian.

Where we also find multiplicity is in the amount of alternatives and options that are offered to us in various contexts and situations with which we interact throughout life, such is the case of education, we can choose between a multiplicity of careers when we finish basic studies; In terms of clothing and hairstyles, women can also come across endless alternatives that allow us to choose the one with which we feel best represented.

The positive aspect of multiplicity and variety is precisely the possibility of choosing between several options.

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