
definition of computer

A computer, also known as a computer, is an electronic machine that receives and processes data with the mission of transforming it into useful information. It is composed of a series of integrated circuits and many other related elements that allow the execution of a variety of sequences or instruction routines that the user will indicate.

The sequences will be previously systematized based on a wide range of practical applications through a process known as programming.

Then, in order to use the computer, it will be necessary and a condition without equanom that it is programmed and has computer programs or software that will provide you with specific data to be able to process the data. When the information that was being sought is obtained from a computer, it may continue to be used internally or, failing that, be transferred to another computer or electronic component.

Although technology has evolved by leaps and bounds since the appearance of the first computers in the 1940s, especially in recent years when the evolutionary process was devastating, most computers still respect the architecture known as Eckert-Mauchly posted by John Von Neumann and that was created by electronic engineers John Presper Eckert and by John William Mauchly.

The aforementioned architecture consists of four sections main of a computer: the arithmetic and logical unit (ALU), the control unit, memory (a sequence of numbered storage cells in which each is a unit of information known as bit) and the input and output devices. And all these sections are interconnected by cables that are called buses.

Among the most common peripherals and auxiliary devices that a computer user will use are: the monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, hard disk and speakers. Each one with a specific function.

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