
definition of excess

It is known as excess to any type of quantity of something, that can be taken or done and that goes beyond the limit of what is considered normal. Excess, of course, has a negative connotation and is associated with situations or practices that first become regular and then become daily, but as I was just saying, generally, they are linked to issues that are not beneficial for the health of the individual. humans.

For example, some of the most common excesses in which people relapse are related to food, physical activity and all those things that we commonly know as vices, such as alcoholic beverages, drugs, some medications and cigarettes, for name some of the most harmful and that the inhabitants of this world suffer the most.

Those people who observe in their behavior a recurring tendency towards the devour of a large amount of food, outside of what is considered normal, surely, in the short or medium term, will be suffering from obesity, one of the excesses that most affect health of people today.

Meanwhile, another of the great cuckoos of excess that is experienced and observed in our days as well, but which has been the most common as obesity, for centuries and centuries, is the excess in which many people incur at the time of drinking and is known as a disease of alcoholism.

This consists of an excessive consumption of alcohol that occurs over a long period of time and that of course, like any other drug, causes serious dependence.

It is very important to verify that incurring in excesses of these characteristics is not a phenomenon that is universal for all people. In effect, compulsive behaviors aimed at the consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco in all its forms, legal drugs (like many psychotropic drugs) or illegal, and even food, in all cases obey the same underlying problem. It has been shown that certain areas of the brain act through the so-called "reward circuits", which constitute a true scientific substrate for excesses. In this sense, the incorporation of a substance (the nicotine in cigarettes, the alcohol in beverages, the hormones released by the digestive tract after a palatable meal) motivates the release of dopamine, a product used by neurons to communicate with each other. . The formidable sense of well-being that this unleashes in people almost "forces" them to repeat the act over and over again, usually with increasing "doses" of the chosen stimulus. As these circuits are different in each individual, a single treatment of these excesses is not possible; on the contrary, the approach to be provided is personalized in all cases.

For the same reason, other excesses (excessive pleasure from adrenaline in many high-risk sports, addiction to games of chance or racing) are based on brain alterations at a biochemical level. In very simple and understandable words, the excesses originate in those circumstances in which the biology of our brain exceeds the will of each person; consequently, the excesses observed in an individual will be different in quantity and quality from those experienced by another subject of another sex, age, cultural context or moment of his life.

As is clear after this presentation, the excess (except in the love that one can profess for those around him or his neighbor) it will always be bad; Therefore, in case of suffering it in some of these situations that we mention, it will be necessary and necessary to consult a medical professional or from the field of psychology to treat it and be able, at some point, to overcome it. There are many alternative approaches and solutions that, in all cases, are customized for the individual needs of each affected patient.

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