
definition of receiving

The word receive supports various uses in our language.

When someone takes, accepts, what they send or have given it is expressed in terms of receiving. Juan received twenty thousand pesos of compensation after the closure of the company where he worked.

On the other hand, we also use the word to indicate the admission and approval of something. They received the claim, now we have to wait for them to decide if it is viable or not.

Another frequent use that we attribute to the word is to express the acceptance of visits by a person. The president is scheduled to receive her counterpart from Chile this week.

In another situation in which the use of this term is recurrent is when we are going to meet a person who was traveling and then for the joy that his arrival causes us we will look for him at the airport. Tomorrow the whole family is going to greet Juan who arrives from Madrid.

Likewise, receiving implies the suffering or experiencing something. We received some very bad news this morning, Mario's mother passed away in an accident.

To picking up a signal or a frequency we also express it through the word receive. This radio has a very poor reception in the area.

On bullfighting, which is the art from which bulls are trained, receiving, will be a position that the bullfighter adopts to the right at the moment in which he advances the bull to kill him.

And another common use of the word is to refer when someone takes an investiture, or obtains a professional title, which will validate them to practice a certain profession or faculty. In other words, in the academic field it is the law that when someone completes their degree studies and performs satisfactorily all the subjects, the institution in which they studied will give them a degree that will allow them to carry out the activity in question. Laura graduated from a doctor.

It should be noted that the term that directly opposes receiving is that of to refuse that just refers to the non-acceptance of something.

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