
definition of vaporization

The vaporization is the name given to the process in which a fluid changes from a liquid to a gaseous stateIn other words, as a consequence of the action of heat on the liquid in question, the liquid will assume the state of gas.

There are two types of vaporization, boiling and evaporation.

The boiling It will occur when the aforementioned change of state is produced by the increase in temperature that is experienced inside the liquid; It should be noted that the key boiling moment arises in the instance in which the temperature causes any liquid to boil, and from there it will remain constant throughout the boiling process.

If we put water in a pressure cooker and then put it on the fire, before it boils, the water will heat up about 120 ° and 130 ° due to the greater pressure exerted by the gases inside it. It is as a consequence of this increase in temperature that the cooking of the food takes place faster.

Meanwhile, if we add additives to the water, we can increase or decrease the boiling point. It should be noted that the boiling process has traditionally been used as the method par excellence to sterilize water, since most microorganisms inevitably die when the water reaches the mentioned point.

And on his side the evaporation, is characterized in that the aforementioned change of state from liquid to gaseous occurs only on the surface of the liquid and at any temperature, although it will be faster the higher the temperature. For example, when serving a cup of tea with boiled water, it is possible to see how the water condenses into small visible drops, also, the water vapor when condensing becomes clouds.

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