
egel exam definition

In the universities of Mexico an academic test is required to obtain the bachelor's degree. This test is known as the EGEL exam, whose initials correspond to General Exams for Bachelor's Exit.

It is a compulsory test for all students who finish their university stage. Passing the exam assumes an accreditation that demonstrates the student's abilities. The purpose of the exam is to measure the capabilities of students at the national level.

Significant aspects to mention

- The exam usually lasts long, approximately eight hours.

- It has a certain degree of difficulty, but there are official guides that guide students in relation to all the subjects of the test (topics, bibliography, exam examples, etc.).

- This test has an economic cost and for this reason it has been criticized as an element of social discrimination.

- The design of the test is carried out by a group of experts from each of the degrees.

- Students who pass the EGEL with a good grade have an official accreditation that is very useful to improve their situation in the labor market.

- The EGEL evaluation is carried out by an institution outside the university and in this way an objective criterion and a guarantee of impartiality are sought.

- From a technical point of view, it is an objective, multiple-choice test

The EGEL data allow the different universities and potential employers to draw some conclusions

The results obtained with this test are more than a requirement for the student to complete their studies. In fact, universities look at EGEL results for several reasons:

1) is an external criterion to know the quality of university education,

2) allows you to review educational strategies and study plans and

3) the final results of the students communicate relevant information about the academic prestige of each university.

Photos: Fotolia - Gmmurrali / Duris Guillaume

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