
definition of driving

The term driving is associated with the notion of movement and transport of objects and elements and therefore refers to the driving action and effect those different objects, such as a car, a boat, a train, a bicycle, a liquid, among others.

Driving action that implies the ability to guide to achieve an end

We must also say that driving should be understood as the ability to guide a means to a certain end.

Meanwhile, it observes different uses and applications according to the context in which it is used, science, technology, social, among others.

Running a vehicle in a controlled manner

The driving a vehicle It involves the action of making it work in a controlled way, whether it is a motor vehicle, such is the case of a train or a car, or a non-motorized vehicle such as a tricycle and a bicycle. .

The driver, as the person who performs the driving action is called, must do so obeying the rules to the letter that are in force in the place where the driving action is carried out.

Follow traffic rules

These standards include, for example, the requirement to have a driving license, which will be issued by the competent authority after undergoing a test and having the age required by law. In most countries, the age of majority reached 18 years coincides with the possibility of exercising the right to drive a vehicle.

Although, there are some exceptions, since there are countries that give special permits to certain people so that they can drive even after they have not reached 18 years of age and under the strict supervision and responsibility of an adult.

Depending on the vehicle in question, the driving rules will vary, for example, to drive a bicycle, the use of a helmet is required and respect the traffic signs like any other vehicle, that is, if there is a red traffic light, the bicycle does not must advance.

In the case of motorcycles, the use of the aforementioned helmet and a driver's registration are also required as with large vehicles, and as for automobiles, in addition to respecting traffic signs, the use of a seat belt is required. safety and do not drive if you have ingested alcohol or any other type of drugs, since they can seriously affect reflexes and cause accidents.

Conduction of electricity and heat

On the other hand, the electricity conduction It is the transmission of electrical charge through a cable or other body.

The capacity to transport electricity will vary depending on the material in question. Metals, for example, are ahead of the curve when it comes to conducting electricity, as it can only be affected by the presence of impurities.

The metalloids have a lower capacity in this sense, meanwhile, with the increase in temperature the possibility will increase.

And in the case of non-metal materials they will work as insulators.

The heat conduction, on the other hand, is the transmission but of heat, either by direct contact or through other bodies.

This type of conduction is plausible as a consequence of a property called thermal conductivity. The bodies that make a material contact, the one that presents the least heat, will be driven to increase the temperature by the one that is hotter. This situation is produced by the collision of particles.

Meanwhile, at the request of the engineering A conduit will be the set of conduits or pipes arranged for the circulation of some fluid, for example gas that allows the ignition of furnaces and heating in homes.

Action carried out by a journalist or host of television or radio programs

And also the word is used with recurrence in the world of television and radio to refer to those actions that an announcer or journalist perform in a program, entertaining, informing and entertaining their audience.

The segment was conducted by the journalist Raúl López.

Almost all radio and television content that are not fiction such as soap operas, series, among others, have the figure of a driver who precisely has the main function of conducting the shipment in question.

Entertainment and game programs, reality shows so in vogue these days, newscasts, current affairs magazines, entertainment programs, among others, are usually presented by one host, or sometimes two, in the case of newscasts.

In many cases, the conductors are stars of the conducts programs and their presence alone already captures the massive attention of the audience.

It is also common for them to share the limelight with their guests, especially in talk shows or shows in which it is common for the host to interview some outgoing personality of today.

Social: people or teams that guide the action of a group to achieve its objectives

In the social field, the concept is used at the request of those social groups that have people or teams that are in charge of guiding them in their actions and activities to achieve the proposed ends or objectives. Without this leadership, it would be difficult to achieve success or success, basically because that leadership has the imprint and experience to do so.

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