
definition of narcotic

The concept of narcotic drug is one that is used to designate those substances that when consumed in a certain way generate a state of narcosis or stupor, sleep, drowsiness in the person. The term is similar to those of stupid or stupefied, all terms that suppose a state of stillness or lack of reaction to a certain situation. Narcotic drugs are for the most part considered illegal by a large part of the world's states due to the harmful effects that their consumption can cause on health. Being rightly considered illegal, their trade, known as drug trafficking, is handled clandestinely.

The narcotic is also known as a narcotic. It is a type of substance that, when consumed in different doses (some narcotic drugs require more and others less), make the individual enter a state of drowsiness, lack of sensitivity, dizziness, loss of consciousness and sleep. All these sensations are basically related to physical sensations that can cause strangeness or feelings of anxiety but that also generate pleasure by causing the person to enter a state of relaxation and body and mental loosening.

This is why narcotics are consumed on a large scale. Among them we must mention cocaine first, followed by heroin and many other substances that can have a chemical or herbal base depending on the main element with which they are made. Due to the fact that narcotics generate a situation of addiction in the person, their consumption is considered illegal and only some of these substances can be acquired under prescription but still in low doses since the effect is very strong. The excessive administration of these types of substances can lead to overdose situations that can easily end in the death of the person or, hopefully, in damage and sequelae that remain for life.

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