
definition of reprimand

A reprimand is a notice or warning addressed to someone with the intention of correcting a performance that is performed in an irregular manner.

General warning procedure

There are two protagonists involved: the individual or the institution imposing the warning and the person being warned. The former generally has a recognized and legitimate authority. On the other hand, the person receiving the warning has acted improperly.

Between the sanctioner and the sanctioned, there must be a regulation or regulation that specifies what conduct is objectionable, for what reason and what type of sanctions must be applied.

Different contexts related to the idea of ​​reprimand

In the world of sports there is the figure of the judge or referee. Their task is obvious: that athletes carry out their activity respecting certain rules. If during the competition there are improper actions or very close to the sanction, the referee may impose some type of warning, which can be a verbal warning or a more explicit warning (for example, a yellow card in the case of football).

In the school environment, students must comply with rules of coexistence. If inappropriate behaviors occur, teachers apply the disciplinary regime and impose some type of reprimand.

In the labor context there are reprimands when the worker commits a specific minor offense (for example, a delay in the time of entry or a lack of respect for a superior). In these cases the warning notice can be verbal or in writing. If a certain number of warnings are accumulated, there is the possibility of being dismissed from the work activity.

Respect for established norms

In most human activities there is some kind of norm that serves as a frame of reference. The traffic code, the disciplinary regime of a school or labor regulations are clear examples of rules that must be respected for the proper functioning of the activity.

In any of these circumstances, reprimands function as an element of coercion and are usually accompanied by fines, sanctions or punishments. The individual admonished has broken some established norm and, consequently, has to assume some type of punishment. If the warning mechanism is not applied properly, the activity to be carried out turns into chaos where injustice and disorder reign.

Photos: Fotolia - Ssoil322 / Robert Kneschke

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