
definition of shopping center

If we go back a few decades, in the neighborhoods of the cities there were small establishments. They were traditional shops. Over time, larger stores emerged, with all kinds of products (supermarkets and hypermarkets). In recent years a new model has appeared: the shopping center.

The needs of citizens have been changing and the shopping center responds to the interests and circumstances of the inhabitants of large cities.

The mall has a large area. It is home to a significant number of establishments from all sectors (food, fashion, technology, sports, leisure ...). This diversity brings a clear benefit to the consumer, who does not need to make their purchases in different stores and can go to a shopping center (in the United States they call them a mall) to cover practically all their needs. In addition, these types of surfaces have complementary services that make them more attractive: parking, car wash, children's play areas, etc. The offer they present aims to capture the interest of consumers, who not only visit them to buy but also find solutions for their free time.

One of the most significant advantages of these centers lies in their ability to offer discounts and promotions. The consumer has at his disposal a very wide offer, a good price and services that are at his disposal. It is logical that these centers are more competitive than the traditional ones. Small businesses are slowly disappearing from the cities due to the superiority and strength of the commercial centers.

Despite the advantages it offers, there are sectors that oppose the development and expansion of shopping centers and seek to limit their growth. Small business associations consider that life in the city is impoverished with the proliferation of large surfaces, because these are located on the outskirts and activity in the urban center is gradually decreasing.

The mall is a symbol of globalization. They exist in all cities, have a similar structure and cause the same advantages and disadvantages, regardless of their location. Its development is evident, although a powerful competitor to the shopping center has emerged: online shopping through the internet. Now the consumer is the one who will have the last word: they buy in the small shop, in a shopping center or from their home computer.

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