
definition of police

The police is a force that depends on the State and whose main mission will be to maintain public order and guarantee the safety of citizens according to the orders that are issued from the governmental sphere, that is, the police always depend on the government of turn.

"The police took care of the security of the event."

Security force whose mission is to protect citizens and ensure public order

As indicated in the definitions given, the State is in charge of the use of force, punishment and arrest when someone deviates from the established norms. This implies that citizens, regardless of their importance or strength, cannot use force, unless of course, an extreme situation in which their life is at risk allows it, otherwise it will be the police who must deploy the police. custody and apprehension function and therefore, the citizen must resort to this when he needs defense or help in the face of imminence of a danger or after having suffered an illicit act.

Deter, suppress and investigate crime and assist in catastrophes

In almost all the laws of the world in force, the police are empowered to deter, repress and investigate crimes committed against a person or against private property. When the police consider it so, they may reprimand and apprehend an individual who they consider to be suspected of committing an offense and then refer him to the pertinent judicial authority.

On the other hand, the police, in addition to acting once the crime is underway or was consummated, it is common for them to act to prevent it, that is, with the presence of agents in the streets to deter criminals from committing crimes.

Another activity carried out by the police is in those cases of catastrophes, assisting in the search and rescue of people..

The main function of the policeman will be to enforce the law, sometimes he will need to use force to achieve this and other times not, such as when he issues a traffic ticket to a driver who parked in a prohibited place.

Divisions within the force

On the other hand, we must say that within the police forces there are divisions regarding the crimes they investigate, for example, there are divisions that are in charge of investigating crimes associated with drug trafficking, others with sexual crimes such as abuse, pornography, among others. ; There are also those who carry out homicide investigations; In recent times and as a result of the advancement of new technologies, specialized bodies have also been created in computer crimes, to name some of the most common.

As we have already pointed out throughout the article, the mission of the police is to play a role in maintaining public order and preventing illicit acts of any kind from taking place, however, it is a reality in many parts of the world, especially in the less developed, in which the police in general are not well paid, in which, unfortunately, the police and crime have made a complex alliance and of course that directly undermines the essential mission of this body.

Complicity with criminals, a problem that grows in strength

There are recurring cases published by the various media in which police complicity in the commission of some crimes, many of them serious, such as cover-up of murders, assaults, sexual abuse and commercialization is reported. of drugs, among others.

Of course, receiving an insufficient salary is not a compelling reason to become an accomplice of a criminal in any way, however, it is a reality that exists and has been growing in many parts of the world and that it costs a lot to eradicate on the part of those governments that try to modify these deviations, the collusion with crime is certainly entrenched and in the highest layers of the police hierarchy.

One solution of course is to offer the police a decent and sufficient salary to be able to support themselves, since we do not forget at the end of the day that they are professionals who risk their lives for all citizens and must be paid and provided with all the necessary security measures .

Police officer

Although, the term is also used to designate the integral agent of said force or body.

"A policeman stopped us to take the data from the truck."

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