
definition of upholstery

Upholstery is a practical art, carried out by the upholsterer who, as an expert, brings a careful aesthetic to common elements of our life, for example, the armchairs and chairs in the living room. Or also, the seat of the cars. In this case, the material is firmly attached. The upholsterer can not only design a sofa for the first time, but when it has been damaged as a result of use, many families decide to extend the life of their armchair, hiring the services of an upholsterer who is responsible for repairing the deterioration.

The upholsterer can not only offer aesthetic solutions but also comfort, as shows the importance of integrating a comfortable internal material in this type of seat.

Furniture upholstery

As in any other professional field, the upholsterer can specialize in a specific sector, for example, in furniture upholstery. In that case, it offers professional services not only to homes but also to businesses. For example, a restaurant may require the services of an upholsterer to prepare the chairs. From this point of view, the experts who are highly valued today are the restorers who manage to update an old piece of furniture thanks to their art.

He is an expert in upholstery techniques and has advanced knowledge of the materials and tools necessary to carry it out. Therefore, furniture upholstery has a direct link with the art of decoration.

A profession in crisis

An upholsterer can offer his services for a furniture brand or, on the contrary, establish himself as a freelancer. Currently, the services of upholsterers are less in demand because thanks to the rise of brands that offer products at competitive prices, many customers prefer to buy a new sofa rather than renovate the old one.

However, on many occasions, a piece of furniture is a small jewel or a family legacy that you want to preserve. In this case, the upholstery opens new doors.

If you are going to hire an upholsterer, ask in advance for references of previous work through their catalog of creations. That is, it is important that you have a portfolio of work. These professionals have also been updated with new technologies and, many of them, have a web page in which they detail their services, contact form, place of work and rates.

Photos: Fotolia - goodluz / olegbreslavtsev

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