
definition of marketing

By marketing it refers to the set of activities developed with the aim of facilitating the sale of a certain merchandise, product or service, that is, marketing deals with what customers want.

This in general terms, but to further clarify the concept, we will list the issues that come into play in the process of marketing a product and that of course certainly define it ... the analysis of the needs presented by consumers of the product to be marketed, foresee which part of the broad spectrum of consumers will be satisfied, estimate how many people will acquire our product, how many may be doing it in the coming years, in order to give us an idea of ​​the duration and scope that it may have in the long term and how many products can buy, establish when they will want to buy it, calculate and try to do it as faithfully as possible, the price that consumers of my product will be willing to pay for it, choose the best type of promotion to publicize the product and the that has more scope and finally, analyze the type of competition we will face, determining, for example, the price they will ask for the same product, the quantity they will produce, the type, among other issues.

From this it follows that commercialization is an important and decisive part of any commercial system that must of course be addressed as a priority.

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