
definition of graphic arts

The concept of Graphic arts designates a set of trades, techniques, jobs and professions involved in graphics or publishing, for example, the aforementioned graphic arts include areas such as graphic design, the press, different printing systems, binding and finishes.

The Graphic Arts is a concept that will gain importance and importance after a hyper crucial event in this area such as the invention of movable type printing by the German-born goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg in 1450. The best job Gutenberg got from his brand new creation was a print of the Bible.

Meanwhile, from this moment on, all the trades and jobs associated with printing and graphic art began to be considered as a whole, such as the accommodation of movable type, binding, printing, finishes and any other type of process that is applied to the material that has been printed.

Towards the end of the 18th century, in the year 1796 more precisely, a new procedure appeared that would once again revolutionize the graphic arts: lithography, a novel printing technique developed by the German inventor Aloys Senefelder and that starting from the natural repulsion between water and oil, he used a limestone and a wax stick to carry out impressions. Later the stone will be replaced with an aluminum foil.

Then comes photomechanics, the technique that obtains negative transparencies, or failing that positive, of images, drawings, documents, among others, and that can be used to make faithful copies on a plate when they come into contact with it.

At the end of the 19th century there was a substantial improvement in terms of printing thanks to the creation of the offset system employing three cylinders.

Currently, new technologies and fantastic technological development have put digital printing in the lead. Mostly, graphic art is used at the time of the advertising promotion of products and services, being elements such as labels, bottles, posters, boxes, containers, labels, among others, the most recurrent means in which graphic arts are embodied.

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