
definition of allude

The word allude is used for express the reference that someone makes regarding people or things, although without directly naming them. Laura took the hint and after the boss's comments began to arrive earlier. We want to allude to as many as possible with our AIDS awareness campaign.

In the field of Rhetoric, the allusion is a type of literary figure that consists of the reference of a concept in an indirect way. That is, from the mention of some related characteristics, it will refer to someone or something.

And on the other hand, the word allude is used to designate that short reference and to the step that is made on someone or something. In her speech, the president quickly alluded to the union conflict with teachers.

The one that concerns us is a word with many synonyms, while among the most widely used, the one of refer and mentionBoth concepts that express the mention that is made about something or someone in particular.

Meanwhile, the word that directly opposes that of allude is that of skip, which, on the contrary, refers to voluntarily silence any issue.

It should also be noted that in relation to this term we find another, that of allusion, which is also widely used and generally in relation to that of allude.

A allusion It is nothing other than the reference that is made with respect to an object, a person or something symbolic and by case they turn out to be indications, mentions, on the different issues that we indicate.

When, for example, in a conversation between two friends the central theme is the wedding dress of one of them, it will be said that both alluded to the dress in their conversation. The same situation can apply, instead of a thing like clothing, to a person. Mara made the first allusion about her ex while having dinner with her parents.

Everything that happens to us in life, the things we run into, and also the people we associate with are likely to be the subject of allusions in our conversations.

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