
qualification definition

The concept that concerns us designates that action and effect of qualifying.

The action of qualifying implies the appreciation, the determination of the qualities, capacities, among others, of a person or thing to develop a task or to be used in some aspect, as appropriate.

Determination of the qualities and capacities that a thing or someone has to carry out a task or be used in something

Now, the term is especially used to refer also to a type of note or value that is given to an element, an action or a phenomenon on a previously determined or popularly known comparative scale (such as the scale of 1 to 10). The grade is especially important in the school world since it is the element by which students know if they pass the subjects taken or not.

Note that someone or something is attributed to assess their performance in some field, for example academic

The rating can be applied to various moments and to various situations in everyday life. In this sense, placing a rating on something or someone simply means defining it in some way.

For example, when you say that a person is good, you are rating them, as is rating a restaurant, a movie, or a pair of sneakers. The qualification is always related to adjectives because in some way they are used to modify or define what a noun is, for example when we say that a room is large or that the water is clear.

However, the concept of qualification is used almost exclusively in relation to the idea of ​​a grade that is given to someone based on a certain work or effort. Thus, it is common to speak of qualification in the field of education in which all the works and activities presented by students carry a qualification that can be numerical or conceptual. Depending on the final sum of these grades or the average obtained at the end of the cycle, the student will be able to know if he is promoted in his level or if he must repeat it because of not having performed well enough.

The qualification in the academic field is very important because it is the guide for the student and also for the teachers that the student learned and understood the contents taught, in the case that it is optimal. On the other hand, if, on the contrary, he received a bad grade, it is the indication that both will have that the subjects were not understood or correspondingly studied and that he will have to go back to study and improve if he wants to promote the subject or pass the level.

When a person is evaluated in general in terms of performance, they always qualify or receive a qualification for the way in which they acted, and the scale of values ​​may vary in each case.

Qualification in literature and artistic expressions

In many work contexts and areas, the rating is used, for example in the literary world, in the training world such as TV, cinema and theater, to name a few examples, the rating in numbers, stars, or any other element is widely used. , to indicate whether or not the critic in question or the medium that exposes it liked the literary, theatrical, film or television product, as appropriate.

Of course, in this type of ratings there will be a lot of subjectivity, this cannot be ignored because the person who qualifies is a person who brings experiences and tastes, but it is also important to say that the critics have a baggage of technical information, which is objective by Of course, and that of course also affects the final result of your qualification.

Although there are all kinds of behaviors in the public, there are those who go to see a show because they are interested in the theme, the actors, the directors, among others and they do not even read the criticism of them, while there are many people who they get carried away a lot by the ratings that the media pour out and then they may stop seeing something because it does not have a good rating.

By case is that many times filmmakers and artists get so angry with bad reviews, of course.

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