
definition of euphoric

The word euphoric refers to everything that related to euphoria, hers or failing that has to do directly with this feeling. The students were euphoric when they learned that the history teacher had been absent.

And it will also be designated as euphoric to the individual who feels euphoria.

Meanwhile, for euphoria refers to the cAbility to bear pain and any kind of adversity in general.

In any case, the most frequent use that is given to the word euphoria is to account for a sense of well-being.

So, we can feel euphoric as a consequence of a huge joy, a positive emotion or also thanks to the intake of some type of medicine or drug.

It is worth noting that in the latter case of euphoria induced through illegal substances, the individual will not benefit from the euphoria, but rather the opposite, because complex side effects can be triggered.

But mostly the euphoric state is achieved after receiving some good news. Laura's pregnancy made all the family members euphoric, especially her father, the future grandfather. The players were euphoric after becoming champions of the opening championship. Today my sister arrives from Italy, I really feel euphoric.

On the other hand, it is recurrent that in addition to expressing it with words, individuals express and show the world our euphoric state through gestures, screams, jumps and huge smiles that will leave no doubt of the state of mind that is going through.

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