
definition of precarious

The term precarious is used when you want to account for the poor security, stability or duration of any situation, structure, among other alternatives.

On the other hand, the word precarious allows to account for the lack of resources and economic means that a region or an individual may suffer.

Meanwhile, the term precarious can be applied to different contexts such as the economy, housing and work, although it is also feasible to apply it to individuals, as mentioned above.

A precarious economy It will be the one who does not have sufficient means and is not capable of producing them, while a man with a precarious character will be one who is not capable of demonstrating security in himself and a construction will be called precarious when the materials from which was built cannot provide its occupants with the containment, shelter and security that they need to live within it.

And when it comes to work, people usually talk about job insecurity to refer precisely to that situation in which the workers of a company suffer a process of precariousness in working conditions, which places them well below what is considered normal. It is in a situation to speak of job insecurity when the income received as compensation for the work performed does not cover the basic needs of the worker, such as food, clothing, housing and in recent years others have been added to them. demands, more linked to the social aspect, but in most cases already considered necessary: ​​education, culture, health, communication, among others.

Another condition that indicates job insecurity occurs when the work is carried out in absolute safety or unhealthy conditions, generating a certain risk to the worker's life.

Likewise, another situation that is observed with recurrence is the informal jobs or popularly called “in black”; When the employee works under these conditions, generally, they do not access health services, they do not observe retirement contributions and if the company so ordered, they can do without their services at any time, leaving them unemployed.

The call labor flexibility driven from the neoliberalism It has been responsible for these various situations of job insecurity that we pointed out above.

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