
definition of planning

It is called as planning to that A methodical process that is designed with the mission of achieving an objective, putting it in simpler terms, planning implies the elaboration of a plan that will allow us to achieve a proposed end. Also the concept is often referred to as planning or planning.

Then, it will be precisely through planning that a person, a company, a group, among others, will set a given objective and establish the different steps and actions that they must go through in order to reach it successfully.

It is worth noting that the planning may have a variable duration, that is, it may be short, achieving the objective quickly, or it may have a long duration in time until the end is achieved; In addition, it will have various stages in which decisions must be made. Regardless of this, in this way, issues such as the available resources and the incidence of external situations that will clearly influence the development and the final result will be considered.

Normally the planning of something begins with the identification of a problem and the analysis of the alternative solutions to it. Obviously the team or individual in charge of it should lean towards the one they consider most suitable to solve the problem and from there give free rein to the plan.

Meanwhile, planning is a typically human activity that we are putting into action almost daily and at different levels. Thus, an individual who wants to arrive early for a job interview, will plan to get up early so that he can have breakfast on time and thus wake up well and then take public transport earlier than most do to avoid traffic jams and arrive on time. On the other hand, there will be the planning carried out by a multinational company to maximize sales for the next semester.

Now, it is worth noting that beyond the level at which planning is carried out, sine quanom and essential conditions will be the existence of a deep knowledge of the subject, analysis of the variables and a quota of intuition on the part of those who have to execute the planning.

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