
definition of vague

No to effort, yes to leisure

The word lazy It is used in our language to refer to that person who stands out for his laziness and laziness when acting or carrying out any activity, especially those related to formal work, even, many times, to this type of person who does not usually have of specific occupation because they lost it because of that laziness and that apathy towards work, they are generically called lazy.

So, clearly, the lazy person does not like to work, they do not like to exert themselves and everything that involves effort will avoid them. A clear test when establishing the degree of laziness of someone is precisely to measure it in the sense of the predisposition shown in the performance of specific jobs and tasks for which it is intended to hire him. If the response is deficient, it will obviously be better to avoid hiring them.

An existence without obligations or commitments

Meanwhile, we must also say that that apathetic and disinterested attitude that the lazy person shows towards work, is usually accompanied by other inclinations such as lying down and resting for as long as possible and always privileging activities related to leisure and leisure before work. recreation. The lazy person will like much more, therefore, going to bed late and sleeping all day instead of getting up early to go to work and fulfill so many other obligations that life demands.

Obviously, at certain moments in life, vagrancy constitutes a very serious problem because the person will not try to develop according to, but will settle for what they have, which may be nothing, and then they will not be able to satisfy their basic needs or develop expectations of growth in life.

In the lives of people, especially adults, there must be a healthy balance between the responsibility of work and leisure, because being at one extreme or the other will not be good at all, because or it will end in the most absolute laziness and lack of production, or in the stress of not stopping for a second to enjoy.

In this sense, the concept that is clearly opposed is that of worker.

Something that confuses

But there is another meaning that is attributed to this word in our language and it is that of cunclear, imprecise or indeterminate to refer to a specific issue or situation. For instance, "The suspect gave a vague explanation about what he was doing at the time the crime was committed.".

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