
definition of refrigeration

Refrigeration is understood to be that process by which it is sought to lower or reduce the temperature of the environment, an object or a closed space from the cooling of the particles. This cooling process is generally artificial, although its principles are based on the natural cooling that occurs in the environment. There are different types of refrigeration that are used in different situations, but generally the most common is that which is carried out in the domestic environment through appliances such as refrigerators, refrigerators and freezers.

The cooling process that can be applied to an environment or object is based on the notion that if energy is extracted or removed from that environment or object, its temperature will drop. By withdrawing energy from the use of a refrigerating machine (such as a refrigerator for example) the object progressively loses its temperature and cools down.

From the cooling or cooling process, different results are obtained. If the process is applied on an environment or closed space, with the passing of the minutes it will become cooler and more pleasant if it was too hot before. In the case that we talk about refrigeration applied to objects or food, they will cool down and can thus remain in better condition for much longer. This is the principle through which devices were developed in which food is stored and which are indispensable today for human survival (since without them food and edible products would last much less time).

The presence of refrigeration appliances in everyday life is a phenomenon that occurred especially since the second half of the 20th century as a result of the development of different techniques and refrigeration appliances. Thus, it serves not only to preserve food but to refresh environments, preserve medicines, etc.

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