
definition of book of life

Although there are films and essays that have the title "The Book of Life", originally it is an expression that appears in the Bible, especially in a verse from the book of Revelation.

In Revelation 20:15 it is stated that those who are not inscribed in the book of life will find themselves thrown into the lake of fire. Therefore, it is not a book in the strict sense, but it is a literary way of expressing that everyone who follows God will obtain a benefit in eternal life.

In a few words, in this "book" you will find the names of those who achieve eternal salvation.

Mention of the expression "Book of Life" also appears in other verses of the Old Testament. In Exodus 32:33 it is said that God will blot out sinners from his book. For most interpreters this means that God takes our actions into account and rewards the good ones and punishes the bad ones.

In the Sacred Scriptures Moses is observed as the first person who would be recorded in the heavenly book. Logically, it is considered that the names of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be mentioned in the same registry, since all of them demonstrated their fidelity to the Lord.

According to the apostle Paul, the requirement to achieve salvation is to believe in the message of the gospel and in the action of the Holy Spirit. Once these conditions are fulfilled, the name of a person is entered into the celestial record.

In the final judgment or universal judgment

In the Christian tradition it is affirmed that at the end of time there will be a judgment in which God will make the decision to save or condemn all men. God's desire and will is that men be saved.

On the day of judgment those who have died unrepentant of their sins will be called to appear before the Lord to be judged. Some will be condemned and those who are saved will be registered to enjoy eternal life.

The Book of the Dead in ancient Egyptian tradition and the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament

While in the Bible a "book" is mentioned where God keeps a record of the men who have chosen his way, in Ancient Egypt the idea of ​​eternity and salvation was associated with the Book of the Dead. In this document there are all kinds of spells and oaths to achieve eternal life after death.

In this sense, there are a series of requirements that the Egyptian gods demanded of men so that they could conquer eternity.

Some experts in the Holy Scriptures affirm that the content of this document of the Egyptians presents great similarities with the Ten Commandments that appear in the Old Testament.

Photo Fotolia: Fluenta

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