
contact definition

Contact is the union of two things or people in such a way that they come to touchAs long as, for them to touch, that is, contact to occur, there must be some type of relationship, link, link or encounter among those mentioned. On the giant TV that played the game, it was clear that there was contact, but unfortunately the referee did not take the penalty that could have changed the course of the game. I am in contact with a Chilean company to sell them the shares of the company that belong to me. Juan is a man who has many contacts, surely he will soon find a job with one of them.

On the other hand, when talking about contact, it can also be referring to treatment that may exist between two or more people, company, organizations, among other.

Thanks to the incredible advancement of new technologies, this contact can occur physically, that is, face to face, in a meeting, at a party, in an interview, or failing that, it can be a virtual contact, which will then occur thanks to the benefits of the aforementioned technologies, for example, through the internet.

Most instant messaging programs, such as Facebook or Messenger, call the people you add as friends as contacts in order to communicate through these means. Today I exceeded a thousand contacts on Facebook. You have to add me to your contacts so that we can chat.

For his part, the physical contact that before we mentioned, yes or yes it will imply the existence of a friction, a collision, an encounter in the same place, be it the same accidental or provoked. It is also recurrent that in colloquial language the word physical contact is used to account for a sexual encounter. There was no physical contact between Juan and me, you can stay calm.

Likewise, the word is used to designate that person who fulfills a liaison function, or failing that, the individual who, due to his position or influence, can favor someone. Maria is the contact we have in the ministry. His contacts helped him climb social positions.

And at the behest of the electricity, contact will be called device that allows connection between two parts of an electrical circuit. This type of contact supposes the closing of a circuit through the union of two elements. I touched the refrigerator with my bare feet and it gave me contact.

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