
definition of repair

The term repair it is used regularly in two senses.

Fix a team that broke

On the one hand, the action and result of fixing a thing, an object, a device or any other element that stopped working for some reason, is called repair. "We request the repair of the refrigerator because the door does not close"; "My car is under repair so I will not be able to travel this weekend."

Usually electronic equipment and devices, if they are dropped and hit, or after a considerable time of life, they can break or demand a fix, a repair.

Depending on the cases, they may or may not be fixed, although this situation is more difficult to happen since today there are many resources at our hand that allow us to repair equipment.

According to the type of equipment that broke, we will have to go to a specialized technical service. If the TV or a stereo broke, we will have to turn to a technician who specializes in these devices. We will have to leave the device for you to review it so that you can give us a diagnosis of the damage and the option of repair.

Normally in the exposed cases it is necessary to change some spare parts that failed and in this way the problem is solved.

At present, and as a consequence of the fabulous number of cell phones that people use, the technical service specialized in these devices has increased exponentially throughout the world.

As they are equipment that is in constant manipulation and movement, they tend to break easily and this led to the development of a very large market that deals with its composition after a fall or internal failure.


And the other use of the word is to refer to redress, satisfaction of an offense or damage received in a timely manner. "Marcos gave us a chair as a repair for what his son broke at home last week."

Together with truth and justice, reparation turns out to be one of the central conditions sought to be achieved in any justice process.; Because reparation is a right that they have and that they should, if they do not receive it, demand all those victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity or any other crime or crime of less seriousness, but of course, which also caused severe damage and then it is fair to demand reparation, compensation for them.

For example, if someone in public assures and affirms about us a question that is not true and that on top of it causes us severe damage at a social level, as victims we are fully entitled to demand the same reparation for those sayings that have caused us so many complications. The reparation can be monetary or of retraction before the same public in which the slander was assured.

Also, as we mentioned above, those subjects who are victims of a crime against humanity, such as state terrorism, have the right to demand compensation from the state through a judicial process for the damages suffered as a result of that situation.

A community that recognizes these unfortunate events and promotes their reparation will undoubtedly stand out for balance and justice.

Normally it is necessary to initiate a judicial process to formalize the claim, and in case of finding the need for reparation, specify it without delay.

We must also recognize that there are government efforts that propose as government policy the reparation of some injustice or crime. This has happened in Argentina, once democracy was recovered in 1983, the government of Raúl Alfonsín promoted the trial of the military junta that had perpetrated a cruel state terrorism and thus the legal and institutional reparation of damages to victims.

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