
definition of emigrant

Person who decides to move from one country to another in search of better job or economic opportunities or in search of peace and harmony

The term emigrant is the adjective that is used to refer to that individual who emigrates, who moves from his country of origin to another, generally, with the intention of developing a work-related activity.

Then, the emigrant, most of the time beset by economic problems or unfavorable social circumstances, decides to leave his country in search of better living conditions, or failing that, tranquility.

In some way, it could be said that emigration ends where immigration begins, that is, the emigrant at a certain point in the process when they arrive at their destination will become an immigrant.

As we mentioned succinctly above, the reasons why most people leave their country is due to economic problems, although in fact individuals decide to leave their place in the world due to other and very complex circumstances; sometimes they are complex family situations that decide the person to move away from those problematic family ties; Another reason is usually war conflicts, we are seeing this cause in recent years a lot as a result of the armed conflicts that develop in some parts of the world and that end up breaking peace and social harmony and make people decide to leave. their land to seek that lost tranquility in some other place, and of course also the other reason is simply to save their own life and that of the family, since staying in those places where the confrontation between sides is certainly bloody can be fatal .

The plight of Syrian emigrants

This 2015 has captured the attention of the whole world the extreme situation that many Syrians live as a result of the incursion of the Islamic State in their homeland and that has given way to a very violent war that every day increases the escalation of violence.

The terrified civilian population decides to leave their country with their clothes and their family in order to not only regain peace of mind but to save their lives from daily death threats.

Unfortunately, this situation has generated a very serious problem with this huge flow of emigrants who are pouring out of Syria, because they do so in a disorganized and very precarious way.

We have seen the saddest side of this harsh reality recently in the life story of a boy of only four years old, Aylan Kurdi, who drowned when he left Syria with his family in a precarious boat. It turned over in the middle of the trip and Aylan drowned. His body was washed up on the shores of a beach in Turkey and his image lying lifeless caused a worldwide stupor and of course ended up revealing a tremendous backroom of Syrian emigration.

Main causes of emigration

Now, specifically taking up the causes of emigration, we can list the following: problems related to the standard of living (overcome problems such as unemployment, very low wages in other parts of the world that offer better living conditions), political reasons (anti-democratic political contexts), persecutions within the country (as a consequence of racial, political and religious reasons), civil or international war (The problems of armed confrontations cause forced displacement, for example, during the Second World War it was a recurring situation in those countries that were seriously affected by it), environmental reasons (natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes).

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