
definition of software engineering

The Software Engineering is that discipline that deals with the development, operation and maintenance of computer software or programs.

It should be noted that it is necessary to study both the principles and the methodologies to carry out these aforementioned actions, while the provision of this knowledge is what will allow the design and construction of computer programs with which it can operate satisfactorily in the various personal computers.

So, software engineering implies a comprehensive work, that is, an analysis of the context is produced, the project is designed, the corresponding software is developed, tests are carried out to ensure its correct operation and finally the system is implemented.

The software development process is formally referred to as software life cycleMeanwhile, it is made up of four stages: conception (in this the objectives are set and the model is developed), elaboration (in this step the characteristics and how the architecture will be and why are established), construction (implies the development of the program) and transition (It is the moment in which the final product is transferred to the user).

Once the software is up and running, this is where the maintenance of it. Generally, errors tend to appear in relation to the design of the program, for example, it is the maintenance that will allow them to be solved when users report it. Updates are usually proposed and new elements are developed with the mission of correcting the errors that have appeared.

The individual who works professionally in this area is referred to as software engineer. The first and main task that these professionals have is the detailed study of all the conditions that a program must observe before its development in order to satisfy the demands of consumers but without forgetting the possibilities available to the developer company.

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