
definition of statue

By statue we understand the static representation of a person, animal or a specific situation, made through a sculpture. In general, the most frequent statues are human, although animals, angels and other types of issues such as specific events or moments can also be represented, including in the latter case more or less detail in terms of expressions, movements, etc. The statue is characterized by having at least a size equal to (full) or greater than what is represented, while other sculptural forms such as the bust only reproduce a section of the body.

Statues are perhaps one of the oldest forms of art as they are found in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Persia, Crete, Mycenae, Greece, and Rome, among many others. Traditionally, the statue is a way of representing a certain situation in a static and immobile way, usually in a circular way (which means that it can be observed from any point of the same). Sculptures that may be embedded in a wall, and therefore only observable from certain locations, are not considered statues at all.

Throughout history, humans have known how to use different types of materials to build their statues. While the most primitive statues used to be made of clay, other elements such as stone, marble, plaster, iron and various other metals were also used to create incredible works of art. There are many different types of statues: at certain times, equestrian statues (usually representing political or military leaders) were the most in demand. However, we must also mention the recumbent statues (those that appear in the tombs and in the sarcophagi), the praying (kneeling) and the offerers (who make offerings). Own statues are those that are represented standing, although these are only some of all the possible categories.

Among the best known and most important statues on the planet we can mention The Egyptian Sphinx, The Venus de Milo, the sculptures of Easter Island, the great buddha, The David, Christ the redeemer, the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, The Thinkerby Auguste Rodin and, of course, The statue of Liberty.

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