
what is stealth »definition and concept

The word furtive is the term that allows us to refer to what is done behind someone's back, hidden from the sight of another.

What is done in a way hidden from the eyes of others

We apply this sense of the term associated with those situations that people execute clandestinely, hiding from others, because they want to keep such an act secret, within their private sphere, or because it contravenes any regulations, good customs, among others. .

It also applies to those actions that a person carries out in a discreet, swift and dissimulating way, for example, the thief who robs his victims without their being able to perceive his theft, commonly, these criminals are called pickpockets and act especially in the means of transport.

They are not well seen morally or because they contradict the law

So, all those actions, situations, that human beings carry out in a veiled way, either because they are not allowed by law, because they are not well seen on a moral level, or because they involve habits far from good education, among others. options, consist of sneaky acts. "The lovers had a sneaky encounter in the afternoon. Juan made a sneaky attack on the birthday cake when no one was looking.”

Poaching: when hunting animals in prohibited areas

On the other hand, the word is also used to designate that person who practices the activity of hunting without the proper authorization, in those areas in which it is absolutely forbidden because some animal species that is in danger of extinction is protected.

For his part, the poaching, also referred to as poaching, is the concept that calls the illegal hunting or fishing.

Meanwhile, there are several issues that can make the aforementioned activities considered illegal in certain places, and therefore turn hunting into poaching, such is the case of: when it is carried out outside the period of time that is allowed; the individual does not have the corresponding license; the weapon used by the poacher is not allowed to be used with the animal; the target is in a restricted area; someone already has the right to hunt the prey in question; the means used are not regulated; animals are considered endangered, among the most recurrent.

Poaching: indiscriminate exploitation of trees in prohibited places

On the other hand, poaching in addition to affecting animal species can also reach forest areas where there is native vegetation, and which are in danger of extinction.

The felling of forests is an activity that is developed with the mission of extracting the raw material, to produce paper, wood, meanwhile, and as a consequence of the material desire, there are many companies that incur in poaching in forests that are protected.

Gravity is that the components of trees are essential to maintain the balance and health of the environment.

In times like these in which global warming of the planet is wreaking havoc through the manifestation of violent climatic events, it is essential to take care of the forests of those who attack them indiscriminately.

It should be noted that hunting per se is an activity that is normally involved in controversy, even that which is carried out in areas authorized for this purpose.

The defense of environmental organizations, the force of law, and conscience, keys to combat hunting and poaching

Environmental and animal and forest protection organizations constantly denounce the activity as an atrocity that violates the rights of animals and the preservation of the natural environment.

In order to counteract this state of affairs, the states have enacted legislation that regulates this activity, and that of course they propose harsh penalties for those who contradict them.

Another resource is to establish caretakers who reside in the protected areas and whose job it is to prevent sneak attacks and not allowed in these places.

And we cannot ignore that these rules must be added to the awareness of each person to preserve these places because they belong to everyone and because they help the conservation of all species.

A recurring synonym of the term at hand is hidden, which refers precisely to what is hidden, not allowing itself to be seen.

Meanwhile, terms like manifest and open, which allow expressing issues associated with what is evident and clear, are directly opposed to the word furtive.

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