
definition of duress

The coercion designates the physical, mental or moral violence that someone exerts on another individual with the aim of forcing him to say or do something contrary to his will, or failing that, to inhibit any action or thought.

It should be noted that the only one that has a legal framework to exercise coercion, although in a clearly preventive way it is clear, that is, announcing punishments in case of not complying with the law, is the state, which will precisely deploy it with the mission of enforce the regulations in force in the case in question.

On the other hand, at the request of the law, we also find a special reference to the word coercion, which designates the legal power that assists the right in any of the circumstances that summon it to impose compliance with its provisions and principles.

So, both the state and the legal system are based on this threat to apply an exemplary sanction in those cases where it is required. Except for some exceptions in which terror has dominated the state, the threat can become a concrete act of physical violence for those who do something or think something different from what is held by authority.

Legal coercion is stipulated and will find materialization in the penal Code, which is the mother norm that is responsible for establishing those behaviors typified and that will trigger the imposition of a punishment.

In almost all areas of life in which human beings interact there are rules that must be observed and also, in return, penalties or penalties are established for those who contradict them.

For example, at a family level, a child who violates his father's provision to arrive home before eleven o'clock at night will receive a punishment for not complying with that condition, while a company that has violated any stipulated provision in some commercial norm it will be plausible to receive a sanction, usually economic, for its inconvenient action.

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