
what is power »definition and concept

The power, authority and competence that someone has to lead an organization, a company or group, or to carry out a task, job, or activity, is popularly known as power.

Authority that someone has and allows him to run an organization

For example, the human resources manager of a company has the power to decide, if necessary, who will fill a certain vacant position in the company for which he works.

Force that has something or someone

On the other hand, the word power is used to refer the strength and vigor that some thing or person presents. “ Juan has a convincing power over his friends that is really worthy of admiration; everyone always ends up doing what he advises them.”

Possession of something

In addition, When a person, today, has possession and possession of something, it will be said that he will have this or that thing that is in his possession. “María Laura has the transfer documents in her possession, ask her for them.”

Politics: highest government authority

Also in the political field we find a reference to the word, thus assuming a political consideration, because power in this context is the supreme authority that governs the destinies of a nation.

In democratic systems with a presidential tendency, the president, the highest representative of the executive power, is the one who assumes and holds all the power of decision and coercion in the state in which he works as such.

Division of powers: guaranteeing independence

At the behest of the democratic system, there is what is known as the division of powers, whose raison d'être is to guarantee the independence of the state and thus prevent the abuse of power from occurring.

Each power, legislative, executive and judicial has the obligation and the power to perform independently of the others, and also act as controller of the other two.

In developed countries that live politically in a republic, this type of organization and distribution of powers prevails.

Meanwhile, the executive branch will be represented by the president of the nation, who is in charge of executing policies that tend to improve the quality of life of citizens and the institution.

The executive branch manages the state and also represents it in international settings.

While the Legislative Power is conformed by the representatives of the town, senators and deputies, chosen like the president by the vote of the sovereign; They are in charge of debating bills that will become regulations and laws after their approval.

And the Judicial Power is the one that is in charge of imparting justice, that is to say that the current laws are applied in a compliant manner, and it is made up of judges, prosecutors, courts and others.

In dictatorial governments there is no division of powers, far from it, since all power is concentrated in the hands of a single person or a few who are the ones who make decisions at all levels of the state.

Document that allows one person to act on behalf of another

On the other hand, power is a type of document that an individual makes in favor of another with the mission of granting him the power to represent him in some situation or in several.

Thus, the president of a company can make a broad general power of attorney in favor of his lawyer so that he can represent him in assemblies, in financial institutions and in any other type of event.

You will only have to present this document that is signed before a notary public and is established in a public deed.

Purchasing power: purchasing power of a person and the possibility of satisfying their needs

And for its part, it is called purchasing power to the economic possibilities that a person has and that are those that allow or not to acquire, buy goods or services.

When the purchasing power is optimal, the person will have the resources to be able to buy those they need, and also those things that represent some secondary pleasure or satisfaction.

Whereas when someone does not have purchasing power, they will not be able to access the aforementioned, and even more, it will be difficult for them to satisfy their most basic needs.

Purchasing power is what will also allow a person to be placed within a social scale or level.

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