
what is obstinacy »definition and concept

The one of obstinacy it's a A very common mood among human beings characterized by stubbornness and stubbornness when carrying out an action or activity, or to understand and understand certain issues or points of view that differ from one's own.

When an individual holds firmly to an idea and insists that something should be done in the way that he proposes and not in another, even at the expense of knowing that there is evidence that shows that by acting in this way he will be committing an error , we will be facing a clear scenario of stubbornness.

Not even the request or the demonstration through arguments that he is falling into a mistake will make him change his position, because basically whoever shows himself in this way is a capricious and the caprice, for example, will dominate him completely and he will not agree to any way of thinking different from what you do.

Meanwhile, the individual who is shown in this way is formally referred to as stubborn and it will be very difficult to beat him in the purpose he pursues or the idea he defends.

Now, it should be noted that not only in a negative sense can the word be used, stubbornness can also present a positive motivation, that is, a person who tirelessly strives for the objectives and goals that he has proposed in life and then beyond the obstacles and inconveniences that may arise on that path, the obstinacy that dominates him will make him not falter in that sense.

There are a variety of synonyms for the senses of the term mentioned above, meanwhile, that of stubbornness and insistence they are the most used, respectively.

The opposite concept of stubbornness is that of compromise, which refers just the opposite, the ability to accept opinions different from ours.

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