
definition of neutral

Depending on the context in which the word is used neutral will present different references.

Does not take sides for something

When someone, an individual, a person is said to be neutral, what is being meant is that is indifferent, does not take sides in any aspect or question on which he is consulted or in which he has to intervene. Especially at the behest of politics is that the aforementioned sense is often used. "The elections were dominated by neutrals."

The concept has traditionally been used in politics, at the behest of armed conflicts, to refer to the position of non-intervention that a nation decides to assume in the face of that armed struggle.

For example, the Argentine Republic maintained a neutral position in the face of the First World War. In those years the country was ruled by radicalism under the leadership of Hipólito Irigoyen, who decided to remain neutral in the face of the war.

Uses in chemistry, electricity, biology, and grammar

On the other hand, in chemistry, something is said to be neutral when it has a PH equal to 7, it is neither acidic nor basic.

In electricity when the electric charge is net, that is, neither positive nor negative it is called neutral charge.

On the other hand, when a species lacks or has not developed a sexual apparatus it will be classified as neutral, for example the so-called worker bees.

Also, in the field of Grammar the word is used with recurrence to refer to that which is neither male nor femalebut it is different from both.

Artificial language created for artistic productions and media

Meanwhile, in recent years the word neutral has become quite popular as a result of the use that is given to refer to model of the language of certain communication and entertainment media, such as international press agencies, dubbing studios, soap opera productions, among others, and that operate in a wide geographic area and that then, for this reason, choose those forms of semantic lexicons that are more widespread throughout that territory, as well as diction models, such as pronunciation standards, with the aim of suppressing the territorial identification that could occur with a specific country if those most recurrent words were used and typical of that one.

Castilian or neutral Spanish is an artificial class, created within the Spanish language, through which it is intended to remove a specific location from the language, extending it to the largest amount of the Spanish-speaking population.

With the use of the neutral, what is done is to remove from an entertainment product or media any type of link with a specific country or with a geographical area so that it can be accepted and understood by the entire Spanish-speaking community.

This practice is widely used today in soap operas, newscasts, among other content, which are marketed throughout Latin America.

What is avoided through the use of the neutral is that the public can reject the content because they consider it highly linked or proper to a specific nation.

Business and critical benefits

This resource began to be implemented precisely as a consequence of the rejection that some audiences evidenced in relation to very good entertainment products but that showed a great idiomatic link with the country of origin.

On the other hand, the use of the neutral has a very clear intention of making the Spanish-speaking entertainment market more profitable, thereby avoiding the expense of making product adaptations so that they can be understood and accepted in various countries.

Now, beyond the commercial benefits that the neutral generates in the entertainment world, we must say that it has not lacked criticism.

Many attribute great artificiality, impoverishment of the language and the loss of cultural identity to the prevailing influence of the Mexican language, since it is precisely characterized by the use of the Mexican standard as a consequence of the greater territorial and popular extension that it provides.

And also the word is frequently used when talking about colors, specifically to refer to the white, gray and black colors. In terms of the painting, neutral the result of mixing exact amounts of the primary colors is called.

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